THIS is how top marketers generate new leads

If you’re feeling confused 🥴 about whether you have the right lead magnet—or if your lead magnet just isn’t working 🔨🧐— then this edition of the Hook is for you.

Today I’ll break down:

  • ✅ A lead magnet’s role in your marketing strategy
  • ✅ Lead magnet fundamentals
  • ✅ The Frame & Splinter method for creating bomb @$$ lead magnets

Let’s get started.

A Lead Magnet’s Role in Your Marketing Strategy

A lead magnet is the front-end of your funnel. Its job is to:

Increase the number of prospective customers that have volunteered their contact information.

They INTENTIONALLY move people through your customer journey/funnel.

Lead Magnet fundamentals

To be effective, your lead magnet needs to be:

  • Free or low-ticket 💸
  • Low-risk 📉
  • Easy to understand 💡

That way, you’re ticking off all the psychological boxes your customers need to check to do business with you.

Things like:

  • Building trust, authority, credibility
  • Providing value-in-advance of the sale (invoking the principle of reciprocity)

This is what ultimately converts cold traffic 🥶 into warm leads 🥵.

Let’s Look at a Few Examples of Lead Magnets:

There are two things worth noting.

1. How they “productize” the lead magnets.

They show images of worksheets, which makes it feel like you’re actually getting a physical product for free.

2. There’s only one Call to Action (CTA) on the page.

It’s obvious and clear which button they need to click in order to get the lead magnet.

So now the question becomes, “What should my lead magnet be?”...

The Frame and Splinter Method to Creating a Bomb @$$ Lead Magnet

First things first…

You need to start with your persona.

They inform everything you create. From the offers you make, to how you decide to position yourself in the market.

Then, outline the journey that your persona must take to become successful.

This outline of the steps they need to take—becomes your framework. (Your unique method for solving their problem.)

To recap from an earlier edition of the Hook:

Your framework is a strategic tool that positions you uniquely in the market, streamlines your content creation, and opens doors to multiple revenue streams.

Once you’ve thought through your overarching framework, you’ll notice that there are:

Frameworks within frameworks”— As my friend James told me when we discussed a lead magnet he’s creating.

And that’s where splintering comes into play.

You want to “splinter” off a small framework (in the green circle) that solves part of the problem for your customers.

And create a deliverable guide/template/kit around that framework.

This ensures one of the most important factors of a lead magnet:


Congruence means that your lead magnet is related to your high-ticket offer.

This way, when a prospective customer downloads it—they’re guaranteed to be interested in your more expensive, back-end offer.

Plus, these smaller frameworks tend to be simpler and easier to understand than your overarching framework.

Making them great for your lead magnets.

There’s Only One Solution to a Lead Gen Problem…

Businesses need a healthy supply of new customers.

Your lead magnet is your tool for attracting them to you.

Start building yours today, and you’ll start selling more of the products and services that bring in the revenue💰 down the line.

Why do Lead Magnets Work? 📚

As a digital entrepreneur, you wear many hats…

…One of them is the marketing hat. 🧢

Savvy marketers know the psychology behind why lead magnets work.

Here are two book recommendations that will sharpen your marketing know-how and delve into the psychology behind lead magnets:

"Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion" by Robert B. Cialdini

  • This book explores the principles of influence and how they apply to marketing, including the concept of reciprocity, which is foundational to effective lead magnets.

"Launch" by Jeff Walker

  • "Launch" gives you a step-by-step blueprint for launching products successfully. Jeff Walker does a good job explaining the importance of lead magnets (particularly webinars) in building anticipation and engaging potential customers.

Thanks So Much for Reading!

Happy 4th of July weekend! 🎉 🇺🇸

May you light off many fireworks 🧨, drink your fill of lemonade,🍋 and spend time with friends and family.

Keep Learning,


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  1. Forward this newsletter to a friend with an invitation to subscribe right here:

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P.P.S. This newsletter was crafted by a human, so there might be a few typos. Consider them part of the charm! 😉

the Hook

Marketing advice for founders to build a business they're proud of. Get actionable insights to generate more leads and sales for your small business. A ~6 min read delivered straight to your inbox every 2nd Friday.

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