
the Hook

Marketing advice for founders to build a business they're proud of. Get actionable insights to generate more leads and sales for your small business. A ~6 min read delivered straight to your inbox every 2nd Friday.

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Growing your small biz in 2024

“Changes create enormous opportunities if you understand the new playing field.” — Jeff Walker I’ve always been fascinated by massive changes that altered the trajectory of the world. I love reading stories about the people who saw an opportunity in front of them and profited, while almost everyone else waited to see how things would turn out. For example: Sir John Templeton, who bought 100 shares of every NYSE-listed company trading below $1 per share in 1939—at the start of World War II....

The #1 problem I see small business owners face is a lack of direction. Sound familiar? I often hear things like: 👉 "I need someone to tell me what to do." 👉 "I'm just not sure what I should be doing." Or maybe you feel like you need to: Post to Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Threads, LinkedIn, X (previously Twitter) Start a blog, newsletter, podcast, YouTube channel Rebuild your website ...and the list goes on! Then you mistakenly correlate your lack of these things with a shortage of leads...

See this? This is the surprising, yet happy story of how I grew my email list by 71% in just 2 weeks. And if you’re reading this email, it’s because you’re a small business owner, like me. I want to be fully transparent with you and pull back the curtain on how I’m growing my small business so that you can do the same with yours. ✊ But first, a reminder: An Email List Let’s You Build Your Income on Demand It’s easy to get overwhelmed by all the marketing tactics and wind up thinking that you...

Ever wonder why some marketing campaigns hit the mark while others miss? It all starts with knowing your audience. If you want your marketing to effectively generate awareness, leads, and sales, then you need to know who you’re talking to. Why Buyer Personas Matter When I became a certified Facebook ads buyer, the first lesson was building a buyer persona… …NOT how to use Facebook's ad platform. That’s because the most irresistible offers are always for a specific person. And that’s why...

Most successful business owners understand the importance of using testimonials, reviews, and social media, in their marketing. (A concept known as social proof.) But if you want your marketing to predictably and consistently bring in new customers… …then you need more than a smattering of random testimonials. 👉 The key to successfully deploying social proof, comes from having a system. A system based on the underlying psychology of why social proof works. I call it a Proof Machine. And today...

If you’re feeling confused 🥴 about whether you have the right lead magnet—or if your lead magnet just isn’t working 🔨🧐— then this edition of the Hook is for you. Today I’ll break down: ✅ A lead magnet’s role in your marketing strategy ✅ Lead magnet fundamentals ✅ The Frame & Splinter method for creating bomb @$$ lead magnets Let’s get started. ✅ A Lead Magnet’s Role in Your Marketing Strategy A lead magnet is the front-end of your funnel. Its job is to: “Increase the number of prospective...

I’ve been traveling Italy 🇮🇹 for the last 3 weeks… During that time, I’ve stayed in 5 Airbnb’s. An oddly spacious apartment in Rome A quaint villa in Tuscany (it was for a wedding) A hip loft in Florence (that turned out to be a mosquito hotspot) A tiny bedroom in Cinque Terre (it had a magnificent balcony + view) A peaceful, high-ceilinged condo in Bologna (where I’m writing now) As a marketer, I can’t help but analyze how a business works. And since Airbnb has been such a prominent part of...

The Problem With Most “Funnels”... Is that they feel overwhelming to build… The very word seems to imply you need an engineering degree. I mean, what exactly is a “funnel” anyway? If you’re like most creators, coaches, and consultants, you already feel like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. Not to mention… All of the conflicting advice about what you *need* in order to successfully scale your business. It’s a recipe for information overload and analysis paralysis. So let’s take it...

If you’re worried your brand is getting lost in the sea of competition... or maybe you’re just not sure what makes your business unique… Then let’s look at how thought leaders like Donald Miller, Dave Ramsey, and Stephen Covey built successful brands with powerful frameworks. Take a Look at This: This is Donald Miller’s Story Brand 7 (SB7) Framework. And it’s the secret sauce behind his marketing genius Here are some of the business assets he has that use the SB7 Framework: Book (Building a...

“People don’t buy for logical reasons, they buy for emotional ones”- Zig Ziglar I wrote a LinkedIn post last week about “The Power of One”. If you’re not familiar with the concept, here’s the basic idea: You focus your marketing message around ONE central benefit that your customers value most. Whether it’s the copy on your homepage or the headline on your sales letter. But as the discussion blossomed in the comments, the conversation turned towards feelings. The emphasis seemed to be that...